Monday, 29 December 2014

Email to Mum


I am staying in Watford btw, Elder Hutchins is going to the middle of nowhere, he has been released for his last two transfers! i spoke in sacrament meeting yesterday, last speaker, new i was doing it an hour before i was to give it and prepared it whilst taking the sacrament. A lot of prayer resolved the issue and the ward LOVED IT. I got invited round to a members house just so they could say thankyou and tell me that they had studied the references i made in the talk and several people told me they were inspired and wanted to change because of it. It was on the 'beware of pride' talk by Ezra Taft Benson. I just spoke about how prideful I was when I came out, people love it when you tell them how much of a terrible person you are. I also had no name tag on which I realised half way through and explained that I had left it in the car because I was using it to scrape ice off the car window haha they LOVED that! The Lord took care of me in that one!  love ya! Love the package, the socks are wonderful, and I wore the lapel pin on sunday, so cool! 

Elder Nolan and Elder Hutchins

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