Tuesday 12 November 2013

12th of November News from the field

 Greetings Friends!

So, moves day has been and gone. Waiting for that call to come is like waiting for my mission call all over again. It was awful but….I’m staying in London North! We’re all staying put in London North! So happy, we have so much work to do here, there is so many things happening in this area and I really didn’t want to miss it. So y’all can send me some letters and packages to the same address J

We had a great week last week, we taught 25 lessons with 8 in one day! That day we started proselyting at 1.30 as we had weekly planning! My faith in and testimony of talking to everyone has been fortified this week. I know that the Lord always comes through on his promises. The promise in question is simple, if you search for someone to teach who is prepared then I will provide that someone. The story goes like this; We were in East Finchley, it was cold, very wet and we had 3 hours of street contacting ahead of us. Elder hein was being a boss and setting appointments here and there. I was struggling to even stop someone. It seemed as if I was the reason for the bad weather, everyone person I looked at either blanked me or made it clear that I was not someone they wanted to talk to. For about an hour and a half this went on, with the people I was stopping not staying for long. So I prayed, I told heavenly father that I was prepared to do this all day to find the one if that’s what it took. I told him that I would carry on speaking to everyone that was in my path and even those that weren’t. I then returned to my duties, tried stopping a few people and then the miracle happened. I found Margaret. Margaret had been prepared way before I came on my mission. She understood the scriptures and expressed how the churches she was attending weren’t quite giving her what she needed. She needed ‘Prophets and a book that draws me closer to God’. the term Golden does not suffice. I taught her about the Book of Mormon and shared 2 Nephi 31:20 with her. She was amazing. She then offered a prayer for us and thanked god for sending this ‘Angel’ to show her the right way. We’re meeting with her this Saturday. I had a long phone call with her the next day where she asked if ‘we believe  in visions’! I directed her to the Mormon. Org website. Boom. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. When we show him our diligence by carrying on even when it seems like nothing will ever happen, when we feel like we’re not good enough to make it happen,  He will always provide. He will always stick to his promises.

So last night to celebrate staying in north London, I chomped on a scotch bonnet pepper! With the seeds. It was a deep burn. A missionary tradition, apparently. The Elders in that flat say that when they did it was hotter as it was a red one. This may be true, but who eats the hottest one when you have a choice? Dummies. Anyway it was hot but I suffered much more when a green grocer offered me a green chilli. He told me it was mild, it was not. He and elder Mitchell thought my reaction to this chilli was more than funny ad they watched me charge into the next door co-op, run straight to the fridge and begin to gulp a 2 litre jug of milk without any thought of paying for it ( I did pay for it after). That chilli ruined my day. The scotch bonnet however, made it!

So how has being the missionary your mother thinks you are gone?

How many people have you spoken to about the Gospel this week? How fun is it!?

I love you all,

Hugs and Handshakes

Elder Nolan J

We went for Gelato whilst we waited for transfer news.

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